Monday 25 October 2010

Asian Women on the Telephone

Eastern Europe seems to be producing some pretty fine guitar music of late - not including various kinds of metal, which this wide area consistently excels at - but recently there has been a lot of shoegaze, drone, post rock, witch house; bands like The Moglass, Arabian Horses, Love Cult, PinkShinyUltraBlast, Twilight Owls, and of course Prague's AMDISCS label who I have a pathalogical need to mention at least once a week.  Add to that, this band.

Asian Women on the Telephone is a Moscow-based junkyard art punk improv noise outfit whose self-styled 'purist Dada' experimentalism is very Throbbing Gristle in feel, if not exactly sound - a shifting clanking, urban dronescape, channelled thorugh multiple pedal manipulation with all sorts of bizarre vocals shreiked, hissed, and cackled at intervals through some of the tracks. Their Bandcamp site has three albums up for free download; two from earlier this year and one from last year.  All excellent, involving single minded entities that have a sense of multi-minded purpose:

Chelsea Grandpa

Holotropic Break

They also have a split casette out on Full of Nothing records with Arabian Horses, available to order HERE

Beginning as a duo in 2007 AWOTT is now a five-piece incarnation, donning constumes, masks and involving all sorts of industrial and psychedelic paraphelia in their stage shows, which in this video makes for a menacing, unpredictable and unclassifiable experience:

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